
氏名 グレン・デイビットソン(Glen Davidson)
趣味 日本語
所属 物質・環境システム工学科
特技 やるべきことを先に引き延ばすこと
尊敬する人物 両親

学歴 :
1997 ケンブリッジ大学 トリニティホールカレッジ卒業
2001 ロンドン大学ユニヴァーシティカレッジ 電気・電子工学科(アンテナ・レーダーグループ)博士課程修了
2001 Ph.D.(ロンドン大学) 

所属学会・活動 :
IEE (Institute of Electrical Engineers) 正会員、査読者

研究テーマ :

主な発表学術論文 :

G.Davidson and K.Ouchi, "Segmentation of SAR images using multitemporal information,''IEE Proc. Radar, Sonar and Navigation, vol.150, no.05, pp.367-374, Oct. 2003. Abstract

K.Ouchi G.Davidson, G.Saito, N.Ishitsuka, K.Mohri and S.Uratsuka, "Fully polarimetric segmentation and classification accuracy,"Proc IGARSS 2003, Toulouse, France, 2003 (in CD-ROM format). G.Davidson, K.Ouchi, G.Saito, N.Ishitsuka, K.Mohri and S.Uratsuka, "Single look classification accuracy for polarimetric SAR,"Proc. SAR Workshop 2003, NASDA, Tokyo, pp.73-75, 2003.

G.Davidson, K.Ouchi, G.Saito, N.Ishitsuka, K.Mohri and S.Uratsuka, "Performance evaluation of maximum likelihood SAR segmentation for multitemporal rice crop mapping," Proc. IEE Radar 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2002.

N.Ishitsuka, G.Saito, K.Ouchi, G.Davidson, S.Uratsuka, M.Satake and T.Umehara, "Observation of the rice paddy fields using Pi-SAR data," PISAR02: Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Workshop 2002, CRL, Tokyo, 2002.

G.Davidson, K.Ouchi, N.Ishitsuka, G.Saito, K.Mohri and S.Uratsuka, "Polarimetric classification using expectation methods," PISAR02: Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Workshop 2002, CRL, Tokyo, 2002.

K.Ouchi, G.Davidson, G.Saito, N.Ishitsuka, K.Mohri and S.Uratsuka, "Automatic rice-crop mapping using maximum likelihood SAR segmentation and Gaussian expectation maximisation," Proc. IGARSS 2002, Toronto, Canada, 2002. (in CD-ROM Format).

グレン デイビットソン、大内和夫、齋藤元也、石塚直樹、毛利建太郎、浦塚清峰, "Radarsatデータを使った稲作物マッピングにおける漸時変化抽出," 第31回リモートセンシング学会学術講演論文集, pp.89-92, 2001.

G.Davidson,"Optimum Doppler Filtering and Detection Strategies for Multifunction Rader," Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, 2001.

G.Davidson, H. D.Griffiths and R.Anderson,"Application of multiscale analysis to coherent pulsed sea clutter returns," IEEE 1999 Radar Conference, Waltham MA, April 20 - 22, 1999.

G.Davidson, N.Petford and J.A.Miller,"Pore structure determination using confocal scanning laser microscopy," Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Pt. A - Solid Earth and Geodesy, Vol.24, No.7, pp.563-567, 1999.

G.Davidson, N.Petford and J.A.Miller, "Application of confocal scanning laser microscopy to pore structure determination," Annales Geophysicae, pt1, Europian Geophysical Society, p.C253, May 1998.

G.Davidson, and J.A.Miller,"Towerds automated 3D analysis of fission tracks in external mica detecters," Computers in Geoscience, Vol.25 , No.2, pp.171-178,1999.

研究助成等 :

2001-2003 : "Development of processing algorithms for synthetic aperture radar for the classification and interpretation of land and sea images," by The Royal Society/JSPS
