He faced about and, standing between the awnings, held out his right arm at arm's length towards the sun. Wanted to try that often. Yes; completely. The tip of his little finger blotted out the sun's disc. Must be the focus where the rays cross.

James Joyce: Ulysses

Professor OUCHI
Professor Kazuo@Ouchi

Education :
1971 Physics Department, College of Science & Technology Nihon University (BSc)
1976 Physics Department, Southampton University (BSc)
1977 Physics Department, Imperial College of Science & Technology, University of London (DIC, MSc)
1980 Physics Department, Imperial College of Science & Technology, University of London (PhD)
Career :
1980 Research Associate, Blackett Laboratory, Physics Department, Imperial College, University of London
1980 Research Consultant, Oxford Computer services Ltd (`1983)
1981 Research Associate, Physics Department, Queen Elizabeth College, University of London
1984 Reseach Associate, Wheatstone Laboratory, Physics Department, King's College London
1991 Research Consultant, Oxford Computer services Ltd (`1993)
1992 Research Fellow, Blackett Laboratory, Physics Department, Imperial College, University of London
1996 Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, Hiroshima Institute of Technology
1999 Professor, Department of Environmental Systems Engineering, Kochi University of Technology
Society Affiliations & Activities :
IEEE Senior Member (1999`), IEEE Member (1985`1999) of Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society
IEEE Member of Oceanic Engineering Society (1992`1995, 2004`)
The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society, Associate Fellow (2001`), Member (1985`2001)
Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Member (1992`) ), Director (International Committee Chair) (2005`2007.5)
The Oceanographic Society of Japan, Member (1997`)
Visualization Society of Japan, Member (1993`), Councilor (2000`)
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Member (2000`)
Technical Committee Member of Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (SANE) (2005`)

Japan Resources Observation System and Space Utilization Organization, "Research and development of next generation SAR ", Committee Member (2005)
Japan Resources Observation System and Space Utilization Organization, "Research and development of next generation SAR for practical applications", Committee Chair (2005)
Organizing Committee Member of PIERS 2006 (2004`)
Visiting Research Fellow of the National ResearchInstitute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (2003`)
Program Committee Member of SPIE 2002 (2002)
Chairman of the IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing, Japan Chapter (2000.1`2001.12)
Earth Science and Technology Organization (ESTO), Committee Member (2000.4`2002.3)
Japan Weather Association (JWA) "Study of Ocean Waves and Wind Characteristics Under Tyhoons by Satellites", Committee member (2000.4`2001.3)
International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Commission-F, Committee Member (2000`)
International Scientific Committee Member for CEOS WCGV SAR Workshop 2001 (2001)
KUT Internal Activities :
Member of the Planning Office (2004.4`2004.8j
Core Member of the Education Centeri2004.4`2005.3j
Director of the Education Centeri2003.4`2004.3j
Member of the University Steering Committeei2003.4`2004.3j
Member of the International Relations Centeri2003.4`2004.3j

Member of the Education Committeei2000.4`2003.3j
Member of the Admissions Officei2000.4`2002.3j

Books :
Principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar for Remote Sensing (in Japanese) Tokyo Denki University Press. (ISBN 4-501-32330-2) (2004),
Principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar's Errata is given here word file, pdf file.

Information Extraction from Earth Observation Data (Chap: Analysis of Oceanic Data) (Series 3 of "Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing for Practical Uses") (in Japanese) ERSDAC, Tokyo (2003)
Wave Propagation and Scattering (Joint Author), Oxford University Press (ISBN 0-19-853607-0) (1986)
Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing (Joint Author), Ellis Harwood (John Wiley) (ISBN 0-85312-494-9/ 0-470-27397-6) (1986)
Research Subjects :
Analysis of Oceanic Phenomena by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Interferometric SAR (InSAR)
Applications of SAR and InSAR to Land Surfaces
Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves
Speckle Statistics and Their Applications to Image Analysis
Statistical Optics, Coherent Optics
List of Publications :
Main Research Funding :
2005-2006 : "Development of forest information measurement system by multi-wavelengths and multi-polarization high-resolution SAR" by the Grants-in-Aid Scientific Research (B) of JSPS
2001-2003 : "Development of processing algorithms for synthetic aperture radar for the classification and interpretation of land and sea images," by JSPS/The Royal Society.
1998-1999 : " Observation and Analysis of deforestation and plantation in the tropical rainforests of Sarawak Malaysia by the JERS-1 SAR," (continue) by the Japan Life Foundation.
1997-1998 : " Observation and Analysis of deforestation and plantation in the tropical rainforests of Sarawak Malaysia by the JERS-1 SAR," by the Japan Life Foundation.
1996-2001 : "Development of Environmental & Disaster Prevension Infrastructure Information Systems Based on the Utilisation of Satellite High Technology Engineering," by the Ministry of Education, Japan.
1980-1996 : A number of research fundings by the Defence & Evaluation Research Agencies (DERA, Great Malvern, Farnborough, Ministry of Industry, etc.) on the basic research and applications of SAR/InSAR/EM Scattering.
Contact :
Department of Environmental Systems Engineering
Kochi University of Technology
Tosayamada-cho, Kami, Kochi 782-8502 , Japan.

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