
氏名 王 海鵬 (オウ カイホウ)
出身 中国
趣味 読書・スポーツ
所属 物質・環境システム工学コース    2006/10/01からKey Laboratory of Wave Scattering and Remote Sensing Information, School of Information Science and Engineering, Fudan University, 200433, Shanghai, China.
座右の銘 苦労なくしては利益はない
e-mail hpwang@fudan.ac.cn

学歴 :
2001 ハルビン工業大学機械工学科卒業
2003 ハルビン工業大学機械工学コース修士課程修了
2006 高知工科大学 大学院博士後期課程修了
2006 工学博士(高知工科大学)

所属学会・活動 :

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing 学生会員(2003~)
日本リモートセンシング学会 学生会員(2003~)

研究テーマ :


主な発表学術論文 :
H.Wang, K.Ouchi, M.Watanabe, M.Shimada, T.Tadono, A.Rosenqvist, S.A.Romshoo, M.Matsuoka, T.Moriyama, and S.Uratsuka, "In Search of the Statistical Properties of High-Resolution Polarimetric SAR Data for the Measurements of Forest Biomass beyond the RCS Saturation Limits," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., (to be published). Abstract

Kazuo Ouchi, Haipeng Wang, Naoki Ishitsuka,Genya Saito, and Kentaro Mohri, "On the Bragg scattering observed in L-band synthetic aperture radar images of flooded rice fields," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol.E89-B, no.8, pp.2218-2225, 2006.Abstract

Kazuo Ouchi, Haipeng Wang, Naoki Ishitsuka,Genya Saito, and Kentaro Mohri, "Analysis of the Bragg resonance scattering in L-band JERS-1 SAR and Pi-SAR images of rice paddies," IEICE Tech. Rep., (信学技報), vol.106, no.1, pp.103-108, 2006.

Haipeng Wang, Kazuo Ouchi, Manabu Watanabe, and Masanobu Shimada, "On the accuracy of empirical relation between forest biomass and order parameter of K-distribution in Pi-SAR images," IEICE Tech. Rep., (信学技報), vol.106, no.1, pp.109-114, 2006.

Haipeng Wang, Kazuo Ouchi, Manabu Watanabe, and Masanobu Shimada, "Biomass estimation algorithm of coniferous forests using empirical relation between K-distribution in high-resolution polarimetric SAR images and forest biomass," Proc. 2006 IEICE General Conf., 2006.

Haipeng Wang, Kazuo Ouchi, and Masabu Watanabe, "Evaluating the biomass estimation algorithm of coniferous forests based on statistical texture analysis approach of high-resolution polarimetric SAR data," Proc. SAR Workshop 2006, Sendai,Japan, 2006.

H.Wang and K.Ouchi, "The Relation Between the Order Parameter of K-Distribution in High-Resolution Polarimetric SAR Data and Forest Biomass," Proc. IGARSS, Soul, Korea, Jul. 2005 (in CD-ROM format).

H.Wang and K.Ouchi, "Speckle Cross-Correlation in Multilook SAR Images of Dynamic Sea Surface Processed with Partially Overlapped Sub-Reference Signals," Proc. IGARSS, Soul, Korea, Jul. 2005 (in CD-ROM format).

K.Ouchi and H.Wang, "Interlook cross-correlation function of speckle in SAR images of sea surface processed with partially overlapped subapertures," IEEE Trans, Geosci. Remote Sens., vol.43, pp.695-701, 2005. Abstract

H.Wang and K.Ouchi, "A study on the invalidation case of partially overlapped multilook processing of the SAR data of sea surface for uncorrelated speckle patterns," IEICE Tech. Rep., SANE2005-11 (2005-05), pp.21-25, 2005.

H.Wang, K.Ouchi, M.Watanabe, M.Shimada, T.Tadono, A.Rosenqvist, S.A.Romshoo,M.Matsuoka, T.Moriyama, and S.Uratsuka, "Estimating tree biomass using the empirical relations between high-resolution polarimetric SAR data and forest parameters," IEICE Tech. Rep., SANE2005-12 (2005-05), pp.27-31, 2005.

K.Ouchi, H.Wang, M.Watanabe, M.Shimada, T.Tadono, A.Rosenqvist, S.A.Romshoo, M.Matsuoka, and S.Uratsuka, "On the forest biomass and order parameter of K -distribution in high-resolution airborne polarimetric SAR data," IEICE Tec. Rep., SANE2004-117 (2005-3) , pp.5-10, 2005.

K.Ouchi and H.Wang, "On the cross-correlation of speckle patterns in multilook SAR images of dynamic sea surfaces," IEICE Tec. Rep., SANE2004-118 (2005-3) , pp.11-16, 2005.

王 海鵬, 大内和夫, 渡辺 学、 島田 政信、田殿 武雄、Ake Rosenqvist、 Shakil Ahmad Ronshoo、 松岡 真如、 浦塚 清峰 "苫小牧森林のPi-SARポラリメトリックデータと森林パラメータとの定量的関係に関する研究:初期," 第37回リモートセンシング学会学術講演論文集, pp.61-64, 2004.

王 海鵬, 大内和夫, "部分的に重複しているサブ開口で処理されたSARスペックルの相互相関関数の導出と海洋データによる検証," 第36回リモートセンシング学会学術講演論文集, pp.15-18, 2004.

Keding Zhao, Haipeng Wang, Jian Cao, and Junwei Li, "Study on decoupling question of hydraulic three-axis turntable,"Machine Tool and Hydraulic (in Chinese), pp49-51, 2004.

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