K.Ouchi, "Synthetic aperture radar and its applications I : principles of synthetic aperture radar," (in Japanese), J. Visualization Soc. Japan, vol.15, pp.41-48, 1995. Abstract
K.Ouchi, "Synthetic aperture radar and its applications I : applications to remote sensing of oceans," (in Japanese) J. Visualization Soc. Japan, vol.15, pp.118- 125, 1995. Abstract
K.Ouchi, "On the SAR image modulations of internal wave wakes by radar cross section and azimuth image shift", Proc. Remote Sens. Soc.'95, Univ. Southampton, England, pp.397-404, 1995.
K.Ouchi, "Dependence of phase and coherence on surface height variation in cross track INSAR", Tec. Rep., Defence Research Agency, Farnborough, UK, 1995.
K.Ouchi, "Modelling of sea surface: final report," Tec. Rep. CB/FRN/9/4/2037/400/MA, Defence Research Agency, Farnborough, UK & Imperial College London, 1995.
K.Ouchi, "Modulation of waveheight spectrum and radar cross section by varying surface currents," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. GE-32, pp.995- 1003, 1994. Abstract
K.Ouchi and D.A.Burridge, "Resolution of a controversy surrounding the focusing mechanisms of synthetic aperture radar images of ocean waves," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. GE-32, pp.1004-1016, 1994. Abstract
K.Ouchi and D.A.Burridge, "Cross-track and proposed multi-frequency SAR interferometry: comparisons with optical holographic interferometry," Proc. IGARSS'94 Symp., California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, pp.2263-2266, 1994.
K.Ouchi, "The effect of SAR bandwidth ratio and current variation on ocean current measurements by along-track SAR interferometer," Proc.IGARSS'94 Symp., California Inst. Tech., Pasadena, pp.723- 725, 1994.
K.Ouchi, "On the relation of ocean currents and Doppler velocity: part 1 basic theory," Tech. Rep., Defence Research Agency, Farnborough, UK, 1994.
K.Ouchi and D.A.Burridge, "A unified theory on the focusing effect in SAR ocean wave imaging," Proc. IGARSS'93 Symp., Tokyo, pp.3-6, 1993.
K.Ouchi, "On the SAR imaging mechanisms of oceanic internal waves," Proc. IGARSS'93 Symp., Tokyo, pp.357-360, 1993.
K.Ouchi, "On the relaxation time approximation in modelling of internal waves," Tech. Rep., Defence Research Agency, Farnborough, 1993.
D.A.Burridge and K.Ouchi, "Dependence of SAR azimuth image displacement of range moving scatterers on processor focal setting," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol.GE-30, pp.180- 184, 1992. Abstract
K.Ouchi, "Microwave remote sensing of the ocean: a review," J. Remote Sens. Soc. Japan, vol.12, pp.92-101, 1992. Abstract
K.Ouchi and R.A.Cordey, "Statistical analysis of azimuth streaks observed in digitally processed CASSIE imagery of sea surface," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. GE-29, pp.727-735, 1991. Abstract
K.Ouchi and R.E.Burge, "Autocorrelation function of non-Gaussian speckle in synthetic aperture radar images of dynamic sea surfaces," Int. J. Remote Sens., vol.12, pp.315-327, 1991. Abstract
K.Ouchi and R.E.Burge, "Speckle cross-correlation function in multi-look SAR images of moving discrete scatterers," Int. J. Remote Sens., vol.12, pp.1933-1946, 1991. Abstract
K.Ouchi, "Comparison of Loch Linnhe '89 data with hydrodynamic interaction theory," SAR Ocean Applications Workshop, Defence Research Agency, Great Malvern, UK, 1991
K.Ouchi, "Study of wave interaction with currents and SAR imagery of internal waves," SAR Ocean Applications Workshop, Defence Research Agency, Great Malvern, UK, 1991.