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Like all signal processing, there is a dual theory. One is a frequency-domain explanation. This is Doppler Beam Sharpening. If one prefers, one can analyze the system in the time domain instead. This is SAR.

Carl A. Wiley


Dr. Kazuo Ouchi

National Defense Academy of Japan
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Computer Science
Software Engineering Laboratory

Graduate School of Science and Engineerng
Mathematics and Computer Science (Information System Engineering) (M.Sc. Course)
Electronics and Information Engineering (Computer, Intelligent and Media System) (Ph.D. Course)


Lecture Subjects (Undergraduate) :
Media Information Processing (3rd Year), Computer Simulation (4th Year) , Signal Processing (4th Year)

Lecture Subjects (Post Graduate) :
Mathematics and Information Practice I, II, Special Research on Mathematics and Computer Science, Pattern Information Processing (M.Sc.),

Curriculaum Vitae

Education :

1971@ Physics Department, College of Science & Technology Nihon University (BSc)
1976 Physics Department, University of Southampton (BSc)
1977 Physics Department, Imperial College of Science & Technology, University of London (DIC, MSc)
1981 Physics Department, Imperial College of Science & Technology, University of London (PhD)
1980-1982@ Research Associate, Blackett Laboratory, Physics Department, Imperial College, University of London
1980-1983@ Research Consultant, Oxford Computer Services Ltd, Oxford
1982-1984@ Research Associate, Physics Department, Queen Elizabeth College, University of London
1984-1992 @ Research Associate, Wheatstone Laboratory, Physics Department, King's College London
1991-1993 @ Research Consultant, Oxford Computer services Ltd, Oxford
1992-1996 @ Research Fellow, Blackett Laboratory, Physics Department, Imperial College, University of London
1996-1999 @ Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, Hiroshima Institute of Technology
1999-2006 @ Professor, Department of Environmental Systems Engineering, Kochi University of Technology
2006-2013 Professor, Department of Computer Science, National Defence Academy of Japan
2008-2009 Visiting Professor, Environmental Remote Sensing Research Center, Chiba University
@@@@During 1997-2011, Part-time lecturer of graduate schools in Hiroshima University, Hokkaido University,
@@@@Kochi University, Gifu University, and Tokyo University; Visiting research scientist of National Research Institute
@@@@for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention; Lecturer of Yokosuka-City science teacher training course.
Society Affiliations & Activities :

` Here `
Books and Chapters:

Principles of SAR Observation, Characteristics of SAR Images (in Chap. 14.1, 14.3 of Remote Sensing from Principles) (in Japanese), Riko Tosho, Tokyo (ISBN 978-4-8446-0779-3 C3051) (2011)

Principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar for Remote Sensing : Second Edition (in Korean), (translated by C.Yang and H.Chong), Seoul: Dasom Press (ISBN 978-89-5562-253-9 93560) 2010

Principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar for Remote Sensing : Second Edition (in Japanese), Tokyo Denki University Press, Tokyo (ISBN 978-4-501-32710-1 C3055) (2009)
Principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar:Second Edition, Errata (in Japanese) (updated 01/04/2011) : pdf file

Microwave (Chap. 11.2.2 of "Next Generation Sensor Handbook" ed. Mitsuo Ai) (in Japanese), Baifukan, Tokyo (ISBN 978-4-563-06768-7 C3055) (2008)

Principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar for Remote Sensing (in Japanese), Tokyo Denki University Press, Tokyo (ISBN 4-501-32330-2 C3055) (2004)
Principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar, Errata (in Japanese) (updated 09/02/2009) : pdf file

Analysis of Oceanic Data (in Chap. 7.1.3 of Information Extraction from Earth Observation Data ) (Series 3 of "Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing for Practical Uses") (in Japanese), ERSDAC, Tokyo (2003)

On the Imaging of Ocean Waves by Synthetic Aperture Radars in "Wave Propagation and Scattering " Ed. B.J Uscinski, Oxford University Press, Oxford (ISBN 0-19-853607-0) (1986)

Effect of Defocusing on the Images of Ocean Waves in "Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing" Ed. T.D. Allan, Ellis Harwood (John Wiley) , London (ISBN 0-85312-494-9/ 0-470-27397-6) (1986)

Research Fields :

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Interferomtric SAR (InSAR) and Polarimetric SAR(Pol-SAR) ; and System Development
Methodology of SAR, InSAR and Pol-SAR in Oceanography, Forestry and Earth Science
Optimization and Algorithm Development
Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves
Speckle Statistics
Statistical Optics, Coherent Optics
` More`

List of Publications :

Main Research Funding:
` Here `

Tora-sanContact :

Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
National Defence Academy, 1-10-20 Hashirimizu, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 239-8686, Japan.
Tel:+81-46-841-3810 ext.3768 (press ext. number after recording voice)
Email: ouchi@nda.ac.jp